Verdict In For 2012 Bus Crash Wrongful Death Suit
In March 2012, nine-year-old Aaron Beauchamp got on the school bus like any other day. Tragically, Aaron would never get on the bus again. The bus driver, Albert Hazen, failed to yield and made an improper turn. As he made this turn, a semi-trailer filled with sod t-boned the bus. Sixteen other children on the bus sustained non-life threatening injuries. Aaron, however, died at the scene from his injuries.
On September 8, 2015, Aaron’s family was able to close one chapter of this horrible ordeal. A jury returned a guilty verdict against the school district and the trucking company in the wrongful death suit filed by Aaron’s family. The jury found the school district to be 87 percent responsible for the crash and the trucking company 13 percent responsible. Each of Aaron’s parents will receive $5 million.
In the wake of the death of a loved one, family members often struggle to figure out how to proceed. There can be unexpected funeral costs, medical bills, and other financial obligations. However, the emotional pain and suffering one endures after losing a loved one is often the greatest burden of all. Filing a wrongful death suit allows family members to seek compensation for the loss of their loved one and begin the impossible task of putting their lives back together. The attorneys at Glenn, Mills, Fisher & Mahoney have handled many wrongful death cases. Contact us for a free consultation if you have been injured or have lost a loved one from the negligence of a driver.
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