Raleigh Durham Automobile Insurance Lawyers
Experience Makes a Difference in Automobile Insurance Cases
Everyone vehicle registered in North Carolina must have Liability Insurance in an amount of at least $30,000 per person and $60,000 per accident. This is required by law and is the type of insurance which is there to compensate anyone hurt by the negligent operation of that vehicle. Think of it as protecting the rest of the world against someone driving your car.
But there is other insurance which is not required by law, but is insurance that any wise owner of a vehicle should have. This other insurance includes Under-insured Motorist Coverage, Uninsured Motorist Coverage and Medical Payments coverage.
Mills & Mahoney, P.A., have been helping you understand the type of insurance you have, and what to consider for over thirty years. If you are unsure of your insurance, please Contact Us immediately. Our attorneys will aggressively protect your rights. For a consultation, call us at (919) 683-2135.
Under-insured and Uninsured Motorist Coverage
Under-insured and Uninsured Motorist Coverage is insurance which protects you, all relatives living in your home, and anyone that is in your vehicle if they are injured by the negligence of someone else who either has no insurance or insufficient insurance to take care of all the damages caused by their negligence. This insurance will also protect you and relatives living in your home if they are hit by a vehicle as a pedestrian and the vehicle is either uninsured or has inadequate insurance. We have represented unfortunate victims of severe injury that were unable to obtain adequate compensation for those injuries because they did not have Under-insured or Uninsured Motorist Coverage. Everyone should discuss such insurance with their insurance agent or company.
Medical Payments coverage is a type of insurance that will cover medical bills that were for the treatment of injuries caused by an accident that involved a motor vehicle. When you have such insurance, we will help you recover that insurance as part of our representation without charging a fee for the recovery of the medical payments coverage.
If you would like to have one of our attorneys help you understand the type of insurance you have and whether you should consider additional coverage, please contact us immediately. In any injury case, we will meet with you without charge to determine the strength of your case and whether we are able to help you.
You have rights… we work to protect those rights. As our client, you will be backed by the credentials, experience and strength to aggressively pursue compensation or a fair settlement in your Automobile Insurance claim. For a consultation of your case, call the legal team of Mills & Mahoney, P.A. at (919) 683-2135.