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Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer Or Handle Your Own Claim?

When faced with a personal injury claim, it can be tempting to try and save a few pennies by managing it on your own. In some cases, this is possible, but in others, the results can be disastrous. Check out this guide to understand whether you should hire a lawyer or handle your own claim.

When Managing on Your Own May Be Possible

Starting your case without a lawyer and then having to hire one later can seriously complicate your case. It’s important to know from the start what potential outcomes may be, so after an injury, it’s wise to consult with a lawyer first to see what expenses might be before you attempt managing it on your own. In some smaller cases, you may be able to handle the process without a lawyer.

Car Accidents with No or Minor Injuries

If you’ve been rear-ended and you or your passengers have sustained minor injuries, you may be able to file a claim with your insurance on your own that will result in sufficient compensation to cover your car repair and medical costs. In this case, legal assistance may not be necessary.

North Carolina is an “at fault” State

North Carolina is a “fault” or tort-based state, meaning that if you were hurt in a car accident you can only recover from the driver who caused the accident, or was “at fault.”

When You Should Consult a Lawyer

A lawyer’s guidance is almost always beneficial, but especially in the following case scenarios…

When the Other Side Has Attorneys

The insurance company against whom you’re making a claim will have a number of attorneys on their side. If they or the individual you are taking to court have legal representation, it’s smart to consider retaining your own.

When Injuries Are Major

If you’ve suffered a serious injury, an attorney will help ensure you receive everything you are entitled to. Lawyers have an intimate understanding of negotiation, and people with legal representation are often taken more seriously by insurance companies and other parties.

While you may think having your insurance company on your side is enough, insurance companies will often do what is best for the company over what is best for you. Even minor injuries can sometimes develop into more serious ones later on, so it is important to take your needs seriously from the beginning.  You need to know what the at fault person’s insurance coverage is and if it is inadequate and you have underinsured motorist insurance, then you may pursue a claim against your underinsured motorist policy once the liability insurance company pays the limits of their insurance.   Navigating all of this must be done as dictated by law and you should have an attorney to give you that guidance.

Don’t leave your claim to chance. If you have a claim and are unsure how to proceed, consult the experts at GMFM Law today to see if a personal injury lawyer is right for you.

Tell us about your case via our online case review form or call us directly at (919) 683-2135 today!